Thursday, September 29, 2011

Why do you care what people think?

I think i will start my first blog off with that question because i've been hit upside the head with that many times. I understand some people don't even care about what i'm talking about, but there are some who struggle with religion everyday and sometimes all day. I once was this person because no matter what i done, how much i prayed, went to church, helped people, tithed, read the Bible, tried to be a good person, and all the other things associated with religion i was a mess. Lucikly my wife seen something one day and cared enough to continue trying to show me things that i really didn't want to hear about. One day i decided to listen to what she said so i could "tell" her how wrong she was, thats been 6 or 7 years ago and i've not been the same since. Once i seen for myself how the Bible should be read and how ALL the Bible is for us only some parts are TO us boy let me say i haven't been the same since. If i was wrong for all those years and now i see the clear truth why wouldn't i want others to see it also? If any of this sounds like what your going through i invite you to check back as i plan to share things that should make Bible study fun, and show you where you fit in the Bible.

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