Monday, October 3, 2011

I understand the Bible now because i understand now how to read the Bible.

I think if we were honest with each other we would admit to doing what i'm getting ready to tell the whole world ( well atleast whoever reads this), that sometimes before i would read the Bible i would be seeking an answer about something going on in my life and would pray before reading then would just open the Bible to any page hoping that God would interfere and show me the exact chapter and somehow show me the verse. Didn't work then and now i dont think it ever will, you see i know this book is inspired from God himself and i know that anyone can open it and read it and get something out of it. 2Tim.3v.16 says "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 17 That the man of God may be perfect, thoughly furnished unto all good works". So i know that alot of information was in those two verses telling me All scripture is inspired of God, all can be used for doctrine ( which goes into the face of some of my old Baptist Deacon friends who would say never take doctrine from the Book of Acts), for reproof and correction and so on. I knew those verses for along time and knew that because i couldn't find what i was looking for it wasn't the Bible that was wrong it was the reader and the more i read the more questions i couldn't answer, many times i would ask other people for help only to find most really didn't care anyway or had no idea what i was talking about which brings me to the next problem and this is where i will hear something about this post, have you ever ask your preacher about a certain verse or chapter and been told that you just cant go reading the Bible like that and even had one person say you need to quit reading it for yourself and just believe whats being taught here. I got good at saying i don't know now but someday i will speaking of when i got to Heaven and knew all the answers, Only until my wife told be of this guy on t.v. she had been watching that answered so many of my questions that i couldn't wait until he came back on, i was on the internet loading mp3"s, downloading messages, watching every episode that would come on (all free). So after reading all this your ready for me to get to the point and this is how simple it is to understand your Bible...all the Bible is written for you, it's not all written to you. Stop here and read that again then stop and think about that statement for a minute. If you will check to see who wrote the book , who is he writing to, when did he write it, where was he wring about, and why was he writing to them the Bible will start being fun to read because you will start to understand it. That's all for today as i hope some will really think about what i have written, and hope that some if honest will say that they know what i mean and was wondering the same things for years. If this applies to you and you had the same trouble join me again as we will look into some more things that will help you to quit reading your Bible every once in a while and become a Bible student.

1 comment:

  1. That is the best I have ever heard you articulate that point.

    "all the Bible is written for you, it's not all written to you"

    AMEN! That is the point I live to argue with people!
    Some want to focus on just certain parts and others want to mistakenly apply things to themselves that they should not.
    It is time to stop this IGNORANCE and take the time to study the word of God the way IT DESERVES to be studied.

    Maybe then we might be able to apply it effectively to ourselves.

    just my 2 cents. :)
